Accounts & Finance
1. Effect of NPA on Banks Profitability. International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences. ISSN 2349-4476,
2. Economic Value Added: An Analysis on HUL. International Journal of Business and Administration Research. E-ISSN -2347-856X.
3. Leverage Analysis: A Study on Whirlpool Ltd. International Journal of Management and Social Science Research Review. E-ISSN – 2349-6746.
4. Z Scores: An Effective Way of Analysing Banks Risks Asia Pacific Journal of Research. ISSN: 2347-4793.
5. Camel Rating: A Study on Leading Commercial Banks. International Journal of Business and Administration Research. E-ISSN -2347-856X.
6. Value Based Analysis: A Study On Leading Indian Cement Firms (International Journal of Business and Administration Research) E- ISSN -2347-856X.